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Oil on board, 12x12, Gold floater frame



In March of 2020, things got real.  So much uncertainty in the world.  Everything was different.


I spent months surrounded by fear.  Praying for things to change.  Longing for life to go back to normal.


There was nothing I could do to control the outside world.


It felt like fear had put a permanent roadblock up between my head and heart.


I took a deep dive into myself to change the narrative in my head.


We were all together all the time – THIS was a blessing.


The four of us would never have this time together again.  So, we made the most of it – you name it, we did it! 


The girls dyed their hair pink (ha-ha), we had many game nights, binged series after series, cooked and cleaned dishes hourly, worked and went to school in the same room, cleaned out and painted all the bedrooms, purged old stuff in the basement, got a Peloton bike, welcomed a new puppy, and I started walking the neighborhood like it was my full-time job.


My heart started aching to pick up the paint brush again.  I was scared that my creativity had dulled.


I made a deal with myself.  Carve out time just to paint.  Just stand there and paint.


“I worry, I throw my fear around

But this morning

There’s a calm I can’t explain

The rock candy’s melted

Only diamonds now remain”


I stayed true to myself.  I painted.


I had my back. 


I embraced the discomfort and pushed through it.



Music reference: Clarity, John Mayer

Photo credit: @macrotake


    ©2021 Kim Lutschaunig.  All rights reserved.

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